Weekly Oil & Gas Statistics Reports

Weekly oil and gas statistic reports from the National Energy Board summarize oil and gas drilling, as well as, geophysical and geological operations in those parts of Canada where these activities are regulated by the National Energy Board. 

Weekly Reports involving fracking-related activities in the NWT: 

The following weekly reports from the National Energy Board include information about fracking-related drilling activities in the Northwest Territories, starting from 2013 when fracking was first approved in the NWT. The corporation(s) undertaking these activities are listed after the link to the weekly report. 

2014 Reports         

2013 Reports

Last edited December 5 2014. For a complete list of all National Energy Board weekly oil and gas statistics reports for Frontier Lands see https://www.neb-one.gc.ca/nrth/sttstc/xplrtn/2014/index-eng.html

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